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Captain Spaulding's Funhouse

Captain Spaulding's Funhouse

A gathering spot for freaks who appreciate the finer things in life-- Lucio Fulci, Dario Argento, The Ramones, Mexican Masked Wrestling, the Dodgers-- you name it. B movie reviews, takes on life, the current state of the music industry-- it's all here,

Thursday, October 18, 2007

What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?

It's Thursday, October 18, 2007. A slight drizzle that momentarily greeted Los Angeles yesterday has departed and left in its path a gorgeous sunny day. My cat Molly is slowly pacing back and forth so I'll notice her and perhaps bring her into the backyard for some quality yard time, just like the inmates get at some of our finer facilities throughout the country. In the background, The Cult's "Electric" album rocks on and sounds just as strong as it did when it debuted in 1987. That was 20 years ago! I was 17, had hair past my shoulders and not a care in the world unless it involved girls, music, drinking and whatnot. If asked back then where I'd be 20 years from now, I probably wouldn't have had a clue. Rock star, director, world traveler-- These are a few thoughts that might have come to mind. Well, I've done some traveling overseas, but the other two haven't happened yet. But, ah, there's still time.

Anyhow, 20 years ago, I probably would have also assumed that the world around me would somehow grow up along with me. Well, I was wrong. After waking and showering and all that, I usually grab my Pop Tart and head over to CNN online to see if anything exciting's going on. After reading a few stories, it became very clear to me: Our society is going to shit!

First of all, I could give a flying fuck what happens to Shitney Spears. Unfortunately, the press don't agree. of course, she makes it on CNN's top headlines day after day. Today, it was about her being denied a visitation with her kids this week because she failed to give a number where they could reach her for a drug test if they needed one. What's even worse is I knew all this because I began to read the article. My bad. Then, over at TMZ-- yeah, I know it's a guilty pleasure, but a guy gets bored-- Shitney is throwing a fit due to the lack of security as she leaves a tanning salon. This is the same woman who circled back through a crowd of papanazis, only this time she had the top down on her car so everyone could view the mess that she is. I used to think the papanazis were assholes for hovering over these idiots all the time, but now I'm beginning to get a kick out of them, especially when they succeed at pissing a celebrity off. Case in point: Over at TMZ today they have footage of a papanazi wishing Sean Penn a good night, to which the ever-so-friendly Penn responds with "Go fuck yourself." Anyhow, back to Shitney. Why must we give this white trash pop sensation so much attention that she obviously needs to fuel her ongoing stupidity? For all three of you that will probably read this, send CNN an e-mail and let them know that you could give two shits about this talentless waste and to find something else to report on.

Another article on CNN this morning was about the Nobel Peace Prize winner from 1962, Dr. James Watson. It seems that dear old Watson said in an interview that black people are less intelligent than white people. When are these idiots gonna learn? If you're gonna be a racist, you should do it when there's no recording device around. Ever heard of a guy named Michael Richards? No? How about Jimmy the Greek? I could go on, but why? And when these idiots let it slip, the media gets a boner the size of Texas and builds it into a monster. It then becomes fuel to ignite the fire on both sides. The racists love the publicity it generates and use it to further educate the morons they're recruiting. The minorities offended will often stage protests and marches and do whatever they can to tarnish the man's image and reiterate how nothing has changed in America since the dawning of civil rights. Unfortunately, none of this will ever go away. It's probably going to get worse if anything. It seems to me that maybe this country could head in the right direction if idiots such as Watson were not given a platform to say such ridiculous things in the first place.The guy's an old idiot. Who gives a shit what he has to say? Any intelligent person, black or white, should not give a rat's ass about his views in general. Let the retarded racist organizations make a big stink out of it. What he said was ridiculous, yes, but it's not the first time someone said something like that and it sure as hell won't be the last. What we need to do as a society is ignore what this dumbshit said and move on.

Now, I'm all for freedom of speech, but it just seems that Americans are being fed more and more horse shit on a daily basis. Supposedly, CNN is not allowed to report on all the soldiers coming back from Iraq with arms and legs missing. In order to learn about that, you have to head over to HBO. While you may not want to know about Johnny Nameless coming home with one arm and one leg blown off as a result of a roadside bomb, I believe it's more important than knowing where Shitney Spears is going to take her next dump. On Channel 5 recently, Shitney and Paris took up the top stories at the top of the news before midway through the show they told us how many soldiers lost their lives that day overseas. I guess what I'm trying to get across in this rant is I'm reading CNN too much and need to take a break from the news for a while. Anyhow, I'm not usually this political. My next post will be a B movie review or something along those lines. Gotta go now and see what's going on over at TMZ.